Among our services we offer training courses on topics such as:

1. The 5 basic responsibilities of a chaplain: (God, Family, Church, Society, Authorities.)

2. The chaplain is a professional: (Development at pastoral counseling)

3. Several courses and seminars for our members and sponsors:



1. Every applicant must be over 21 years.

2. Active member of a church where he practices and teaches Scripture correctly.

3. Minimum 3 years of biblical studies, theology graduate even better.

4. Attach letter of recommendation letterhead, stamped and copied in the church where they congregate, signed by the pastor. If the applicant is a pastor must attach proof sealed copy of your organization or letter of the council to which it belongs.

5. Annex 2 color photos, passport size (male: Executive Suit and tie. Women: Executive business attire).

6. Checks or money order payable in U.S. on behalf of the staff of United Chaplains International.



1. Obey all institutional regulations.

2. Maintain a good testimony.

3. Dress and speak correctly and appropriately.

4. Do not lend your card to anyone.

5. Do not confuse our credentials with any other.

6. Do not use your card or credential for personal benefit. (Example: Using public transportation, access to recreational events, etc).

7. If you are given the opportunity to work in an institution, be under the orders of the chaplain of the same.

8. All credentials expire one year (losing value against the authorities).

9. You must renew your card every year, a month before its expiry and to immediately report any changes to their personal data.

10. If your credentials are missing shall immediately report accompanied by a notarized police report to the address listed on your card.

11. Will be dismissed if found guilty of any crime (except traffic violations). As reported and verified if a bad witness.

12. In case of any resignation, or discharged, shall deliver all your IDs.

13. Your assistance and prompt attention to special called to appear on our site or sites required for the service will be essential.

Download and print the CHAPLAIN APPLICATION (5 pages) by
clicking on the image:





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